INFO-ATARI16 Digest Mon, 23 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 548 Today's Topics: 386 vs the TT Appletalk net access official tos 1.4 release (2 msgs) Spectre GCR availability? TT vs 386 boxes and Apples (3 msgs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 22 Oct 89 21:05:27 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!ctisbv! (Pim Zandbergen) Subject: 386 vs the TT 01659@AECLCR.BITNET (Greg Csullog) writes: >Several users on my site have fast 386 machines. The problem is that most >codes do not support memory beyond 640K. Thus, a 4 meg 386 has over 3 megs >of useless RAM. You talk about the limitations of PC's, but you really mean those of MS-DOS. There are ways of making a 386 PC very useful; installing MS-DOS on it is not one of them. -- Pim Zandbergen internet : CTI Software BV uucp : ..!uunet!ctisbv!pim Laan Copes van Cattenburch 70 phone : +31 70 542302 2585 GD The Hague, The Netherlands fax : +31 70 512837 ------------------------------ Date: 23 Oct 89 02:03:54 GMT From: sdcc6!sdcc13! (C. SQuibby Breyman) Subject: Appletalk Is there anything that will put an ST on an appletalk network. I Saw discussion re the GCR but did not see a definitive answer. I DON'T CARE ABOUT MAC EMULATION ALL I WANT IS APPLETALK AND DRIVERS. Is ther an RS--232 Bridge and source for drivers? Is the only way to buy a used Mac128K?!? Any comments appreciated Sinc, C. Squibby Breyman ------------------------------ Date: 23 Oct 89 03:25:41 GMT From: netsys! (Wilson Small) Subject: net access hi all.... I just received word that the system that I use to access the net will be shutting down next week. I need to find out how one goes about getting access to the well or the portal or some other system that has net access...... Any help will be greatly appreciated.... thankx willy small small@netsys.COM ------------------------------ Date: 22 Oct 89 22:05:38 GMT From:!fischer-michael@CS.YALE.EDU (Michael Fischer) Subject: official tos 1.4 release In article <1734@atari.UUCP> towns@atari.UUCP (John Townsend) writes: >But, the end result is that the problem was reported, we looked into it, >found there was a problem, fixed it, and released a patch program via the >Networks and Dealer Network. What more do you want from us?? How about posting the patch to ================================================== | Michael Fischer | | Arpanet: | | Bitnet: | | UUCP: | ================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 22 Oct 89 23:51:56 GMT From: attcan!utgpu! (Gabe Nemeth) Subject: official tos 1.4 release What I find annoying is that ROMs that fix bugs in the operating system that was promised years ago is costing me $100. Surely Atari could afford to foster some loyalty by offering a "nominal" trade in price for ROMs. The mac os is essentially free (you can buy an official disk for $45) and I wonder how the copywrite would affect TOS. Are updates to TOS separately copywrited? If I own a copy of TOS 1.0, am I legally entitled to make an updated copy to 1.4? /leonard ------------------------------ Date: 22 Oct 89 22:48:24 GMT From:!!xanth!!scott@tut (Scott Yelich) Subject: Spectre GCR availability? > Yes, I just saw it here in the Davis (Calif.) area for $250 (+tax) and $150 > for the 128K roms. The dealer had two or three of them. He also had > the Magic Sac+ for $35 (64K roms included). A bit of a difference in > price, I must say. I got one at the WAACE event for $29. There was another for $35. reason: no instructions. no problem... the first one I bought came with instructions.. ps: I didn't get the second one because I was too overwhelmed with ``I WANT EVERYTHING!'' so I spread my money as best as I could. pps: I just saw a hard drive for $80 on the net... THAT got my attention! -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott D. Yelich [] After he pushed me off the cliff, he asked me, as I fell, ``Why'd you jump?'' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 22 Oct 89 20:24:57 GMT From: haven!uvaarpa!hudson!astsun8.astro.Virginia.EDU! (Greg Lindahl) Subject: TT vs 386 boxes and Apples In article <> (Sean Kelly) writes: [ A large flame, deleted. ] > Pipe flames to /dev/null. Why don't we all follow this advice? The TT is not out in user hands yet, so we don't know what the price or performance is yet. Pipe flame postings to /dev/null also. -- greg ------ Greg Lindahl I'm not the NRA. ------------------------------ Date: 22 Oct 89 22:28:49 GMT From: moreno@UMN-CS.CS.UMN.EDU (Andres Moreno) Subject: TT vs 386 boxes and Apples I think that this argument regarding what machine is better is going nowhere. It seems that some people like their computer the same way they like their children: blindly. There is no question that you get more crunch for your money in the IBM world NOW. You can pick up a 12Mhz AT compatible with a 30Mb hard disk for $1200. You can also get the famous hot 386 box for under $2000. Atari prices just aren't what they used to be. The world changes. I don't program the way I used to. Now, instead of assembler, I use C. If I want to have fun, I use LISP. Let me tell you that I have the nicest ST lisp in the world and does not hold a candle to PC-Scheme. Therefore, for me, (* I am not saying for everyone *) a hot PC is a better machine. This was not the case a few years ago. If you feel that you must uphold the Atari name, please go to your nearest Tramiel temple (i.e. Atari dealer) and give a donation. Andres P.S. If the famed TT does beat the price/performance of the 386 box *and* I can get good software support for it, I am willing to eat my words, but until then, let me propose you look at the facts. ------------------------------ Date: 23 Oct 89 02:05:54 GMT From: psuvm! Subject: TT vs 386 boxes and Apples On the subject of all this TT controversy, I've finally decided to add my 12 1/2 cents. Yeah Atari has been a glorious band of idiots ever since the 1040ST but even if it takes them another 6 months to get it out, the TT is an INCREDIBLE machine for the price. A comparably equipped 68030 Amiga will run you $4500 (Hint, buy a a MAC II for $500 more with hard drive). I am very disappointed in its graphic capabilities, but sheesh, the base computer will onyl be around $1500. This guarantees its survival as this is just as incredible as the ST when it came out. Even with Commodore's huge advertising blitz, the junkola Amiga 500 with 512K of memory is being pushed for $100 less than a 1040ST with monitor. I know what I'd buy.... Now before I get Commodore flamed, I LIKE THE AMIGA ! However, the 500 is garbage, the 520ST of the Amiga line, only slightly worse (I use a 2000 myself). Oh well, I have spoken my bit..... ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #548 ***************************************** =========================================================================